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第八届大数据与应用统计国际学术研讨会(ISBDAS 2025)
2025 8th International Symposium on Big Data and Applied Statistics
2025年2月28日-3月2日 中国 · 广州
会议地点:中国 · 广州-广州生物岛高新木莲庄酒店
会议检索:IEEE Xplore & EI & SCOPUS
会议简称(点击可查看详情) | 时间地点 | 见刊及检索 |
2024.03.08-10 北京 | 会后5个月见刊,见刊后2个月检索 | |
2023.03.10-12 上海 | 会后4个月见刊,见刊后1个月检索 | |
2022.04.22-24 西宁 | 会后2个月见刊,见刊后1个月检索 | |
2021.05.21-23 大理 | 会后1个月见刊,见刊后1个月检索 | |
2020.07.10-12 昆明 | 会后1个月见刊,见刊后2个月检索 | |
2019.09.20-22 大连 | 会后3个月见刊,见刊后1个月检索 | |
2018.11.02-04 广州 | 会后2个月见刊,见刊后2个月检索 |
第八届大数据与应用统计国际学术研讨会(ISBDAS 2025)定于2025年2月28-3月2日在中国广州举行。会议旨在为从事“大数据”与“应用统计学”研究的专家学者、工程技术人员、技术研发人员提供一个共享科研成果和前沿技术,了解学术发展趋势,拓宽研究思路,加强学术研究和探讨,促进学术成果产业化合作的平台。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员参会交流。
大会主席 | |
李哓黎教授 南洋理工大学 | Prof. Philippe Fournier-Viger 深圳大学 |
程序委员会主席 | |||
黄翰教授 华南理工大学 | Prof. LING Tok Wang 新加坡国立大学 | Prof. Mohand Tahar Kechadi, 都柏林大学学院 | 章志華教授 关西国际大学 |
出版主席 | ||
Prof. Malik Zawwar Hussain 旁遮普大学 | 杨燕教授 西南交通大学 | Prof. Lazim Abdullah 马来西亚丁加奴大学 |
组织委员会主席 | |
张天乐研究员 广东人工智能高等研究院 | Prof. Fairouz Kamareddine 英国赫瑞瓦特大学 |
![]() | 李哓黎 教授,IEEE Fellow,南洋理工大学 Title: AI-Driven Big Time Series Data Analytics |
![]() | 汤庸 教授,华南师范大学 Title: Cooperative Intelligent Applications based on SCHOLAT big Data Abstract: Social networks have transformed the way people live and work. However, social networks are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they facilitate communication among people; on the other hand, irrelevant information can disrupt life and work. Against the backdrop of the social collaboration needs in scientific research and teaching, we have created a social network for scholars (SCHOLAT), providing scholars with an independent academic space and a trustworthy collaboration platform. Currently, it has over 200,000 registered users (including more than 5,000 domestic and foreign institutions, covering all 985 universities), more than 10,000 research and teaching groups, as well as hundreds of millions of academic entities and their relationships. It has become a unique producer of big data in scientific research and teaching, and can provide a data and knowledge foundation for academic research and application development. This report mainly includes: 1) Research background and scientific issues; 2) SCHOLAT core and services; 3) Research on SCHOLAT big data, knowledge graph, and scholar large model; 4) SCHOLAT data foundation and SCHOLAT+ application ecosystem. Finally, several recent application achievements will be shared. |
![]() | 彭国超 教授,中山大学 Title: Realizing the power of AI: the Importance of Data, Human Needs and Scenes Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, transforming industries and redefining the way we live and work. From intelligent virtual assistants to advanced autonomous vehicles, AI's potential seems limitless. However, to truly harness the power of AI and create meaningful and impactful applications, three key elements play a crucial role: data, human needs, and scenes. Understanding and integrating these components is essential for the successful development and deployment of AI technologies. |
![]() | 朱全新 教授,湖南师范大学 Title: Event-triggered control problems of stochastic nonlinear delay systems Abstract: In this talk, we introduce the the event-triggered feedback control problem of stochastic nonlinear delay systems with exogenous disturbances. By introducing the notation of input-to-state practical stability and an event-triggered strategy, we establish the input-to-state practically exponential mean-square stability of the suggested system. Moreover, we investigate the stabilization result by designing the feedback gain matrix and the event-triggered feedback controller, which is expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Also, the lower bounds of inter-execution times by the proposed event-triggered control method are obtained. Finally, an example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Compared with large number of results for discrete-time stochastic systems, only a few results have appeared on the event-triggered control for continuous-time stochastic systems. In particular, there has been no published papers on the event-triggered control for continuous-time stochastic delay systems. Our work is a first try to fill the gap on the topic. |
![]() | 戴宏亮 教授,广州大学 Title: Adaptive multiple kernel clustering using low-rank representation Abstract: Multiple kernel clustering (MKC) effectively extracts intrinsic and complementary information from data by integrating diverse kernel functions. The allocation of kernel weights is crucial for MKC performance and is closely related to the relationships among kernel matrices. However, it is very difficult to fully capture the intricate relationships among high-dimensional matrices because previous research mostly relies on predefined metrics to characterize the correlation among kernel matrices. To address this challenge, a novel MKC model called AMKC-LRR is proposed that adaptively learns the interrelations among kernel matrices using low-rank representation and unifies this learning process with the clustering task within an optimization framework. Furthermore, an effective alternate optimization algorithm is designed to solve the resulting problem. Extensive experiments and statistical tests conducted on twelve commonly used benchmark datasets show that our proposed model performs favorably in comparison to state-of-the-art MKC methods. |
Track 1: 大数据算法 | Track 2: 应用数学理论 |
智能计算应用 模型与计算 智能计算算法 进化计算 数据挖掘 三元决策与机器学习 组合算法 数据和文本挖掘 知识推理 深度学习 | 博弈论 认知建模与计算 概率论与统计学 微分方程及其应用 离散数学与控制 线性代数及其应用 数值分析 运筹学与优化 近似理论 组合数学 可计算性理论 离散几何 矩阵计算 |
* 其他相关主题均可
所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所录用的论文将由IEEE (ISBN:979-8-3315-0719-0) 出版,收录进IEEE Xplore数据库,出版后提交EI, Scopus检索。
* 文章模板:【下载】
* 在线投稿:会议由艾思科蓝支持在线投稿,请点击:【艾思投稿系统】
2. 期刊推荐
![]() | 专刊名称:Artificial Intelligence: Large Language Models and Big Data Analysis 关键词: 人工智能 基础技术 技术采用 大型语言模型 应用进程推动者 大数据分析 |
期刊介绍: Mathematics是一本同行评审的开放获取期刊,为与数学相关的研究提供了一个高级论坛,由MDPI半月刊在线出版。 高可见度:在 Scopus、SCIE (Web of Science)、RePEc 和其他数据库中创建索引。 期刊排名: JCR - Q1 (Mathematics) / CiteScore - Q1 (General Mathematics ) |
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类别 | 价格 |
价格单篇投稿(4页双栏) | 3800RMB/篇 |
超页费(第5页起算) | 400RMB/页 |
仅参会不投稿 | 1500RMB/人 |
★仅参会不投稿(团队参会3人或以上) | 1200RMB/人 |
加购会议论文集 | 500元/本 |
参会方式: 1. 听众参会:仅听众参会,无须展示汇报; 2. 口头报告:演讲10-15分钟,需提前准备演讲PPT; 3. 海报展示:需自行制作一份A1竖版尺寸(宽*高:594mm*841mm)的彩色电子版的海报(高清PNG图片格式)发送至邮箱ISBDAS@163.com,邮件主【线上/现场-海报展示-姓名】,具体要求可联系会议秘书咨询; * 以上参会方式,请前往【报名系统】内注册报名。会议现场可免费领取会议资料(如纪念品、参会证书等)! 注:口头报告和海报展示是学术会议的重要组成部分,有助于促进学术交流、分享研究成果,并满足学术论文发表的条件,每篇文章(投稿文章已录用)请派一位作者出席线下会议并口头报告/海报展示(优先安排口头报告,名额有限,先到先得),以确保会后顺利出版。特殊情况请联系会议秘书报备,谢谢大家的配合。 |
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* 被录用且完成注册的论文,如需申请撤稿,将扣除30%的手续费。
会议议程 | |||
日期 | 时间 | 会议安排 | 地点 |
2月28日(周五) | 13:30-18:00 | 注册报道 | 酒店大堂 |
3月1日(周六) 开幕及报告 | 9:00-12:00 | 大会特邀报告 | 会议室 |
12:00-14:00 | 午餐 | 酒店餐厅 | |
14:00-18:00 | 专题报告 | 会议室 | |
19:00 | 晚宴 | 酒店餐厅 | |
3月2日(周日) | 9:00-12:00 | 自由活动 | 广州 |
注:具体安排以第八届大数据与应用统计国际学术研讨会(ISBDAS 2025)手册为准 |
第八届大数据与应用统计国际学术研讨会(ISBDAS 2025)将于2025年2月28-3月2日在广州生物岛高新木莲庄酒店举行。具体酒店信息和预定方式如下:
Ⅰ. 酒店信息:
>> 高级大床房:468元 含1张床/无线网络/1份早餐
>> 高级双床房:508元 含2张床/无线网络/ 2份早餐
Ⅱ. 房间预定方式:
1. 可拨打电话15217466680(刘经理)请告知您是“第八届大数据与应用统计国际学术研讨会(ISBDAS 2025)的客人”,然后可以享受团队协议价。
2. 请勿重复预定。请尽快在2月17日前完成预定(逾期无法保证房间安排,需视酒店房态而定),如有变动或取消预定需提前一周告知酒店经理。酒店费用将由酒店直接收取并开具发票。
Ⅲ. 交通指南:
QQ: 924233463